Blogger Jessica Lebaron over at the "What's Cooking?" blog, a fellow crafter, cooker, and blogger nominated this humble little blog of mine as a recipient of this fun blogger award and I am thrilled! So sweet. The Liebster Award is for blogs that have less than 200 followers. The word "Liebster" is German for kindest, nices, dearest, beloved, lovely, valued, cute, pleasant, endearing, and welcome. You should check out Jessica's blog here, she has TONS of yummy looking recipes! I'm gonna have to try some!
Here are the rules for accepting this award:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you
3. Then create 11 new questions for the people you tag with the award
4. Choose some (5-10) bloggers (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
5. Go to their page and tell them about the award
6. Follow the tagger and visit at least 3 of their nominees. Spread the love!
And Remember, no tag backs! :)
11 random facts about Me!
1. I have been married for a year and a half and couldn't love it more!!!
2. My birthday is April Fools :)
3. I will hopefully be going to Dental Hygiene school next year, which I don't think I've mentioned on my blog yet!
4. We pulled an all nighter the night before our wedding! Read about the chaos here if you feel the need
5. The first time my husband saw me I was wearing high heels and a swim suit - on stage! Embarrassing I know.
6. I LOVE summer and warmness. Unfortunately I can't say the same about winter and freezingness. Although my husband does like to snuggle me more in the winter :)
7. I wish i could be a full time humanitarian-ist?
8. I want to travel EVERYWHERE. I love love love going fun places with my hubby and seeing this beautiful world
9. Trent and I have picked out the name for our first daughter :)
10. I have never lit a match. Or eaten a corn dog. Weird I know.
11. I Love cooking & crafting & blogging & hanging out w/ my family and hubby!
Jessica at "What's Cooking?" questions to me... I thought I would answer in pictures to make it more exciting!
1. If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?
Here are the rules for accepting this award:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you
3. Then create 11 new questions for the people you tag with the award
4. Choose some (5-10) bloggers (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
5. Go to their page and tell them about the award
6. Follow the tagger and visit at least 3 of their nominees. Spread the love!
And Remember, no tag backs! :)
11 random facts about Me!
1. I have been married for a year and a half and couldn't love it more!!!
2. My birthday is April Fools :)
3. I will hopefully be going to Dental Hygiene school next year, which I don't think I've mentioned on my blog yet!
4. We pulled an all nighter the night before our wedding! Read about the chaos here if you feel the need
5. The first time my husband saw me I was wearing high heels and a swim suit - on stage! Embarrassing I know.
6. I LOVE summer and warmness. Unfortunately I can't say the same about winter and freezingness. Although my husband does like to snuggle me more in the winter :)
7. I wish i could be a full time humanitarian-ist?
8. I want to travel EVERYWHERE. I love love love going fun places with my hubby and seeing this beautiful world
9. Trent and I have picked out the name for our first daughter :)
10. I have never lit a match. Or eaten a corn dog. Weird I know.
11. I Love cooking & crafting & blogging & hanging out w/ my family and hubby!
Jessica at "What's Cooking?" questions to me... I thought I would answer in pictures to make it more exciting!
1. If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?
I think I've decided on Ellen. I just love that lady. I've put it on my bucket list to go to her show! I find myself watching clips from her show ALL the time. Coming in close second would probably be Tim McGraw. I mean just look at the guy. And his voice... ahhh.
or Taylor Swift. Mitt Romney would be cool too. I also love Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston. And George Bush. And Garth Brooks. Too many options!!
2. What would you do if you had a free day all to yourself?

2. What would you do if you had a free day all to yourself?

Productive Idea: Be crafty. All day long.
Unproductive Idea: Nothing. Be lazy. All day long. ahhh...
Favorite place to eat out?
Unproductive Idea: Nothing. Be lazy. All day long. ahhh...
Favorite place to eat out?
Goodwood BBQ. I worked there all through high school and never got sick of the food. And they catered our wedding dinner - now that's saying something! Go there, ASAP.
4. What are you most passionate about?
4. What are you most passionate about?
Clearly, this handsome man, my hubby. Also humanitarian work.
5. Favorite vacation spot?
So far, Hawaii!! Although coming in close second is Lake Powell, Guatemala, Virgin Islands, Bermuda, and Puerto Vallarta. And I LOVE cruises.
Oh man that opened up a can of worms. I just spent an hour looking through all my vacation pictures reminiscing on all the fun adventures I've been on. Words can't even describe all the fun & happiness contained in all these pictures!
6. What are you afraid of?
SPIDERS!!! AHh! Probably more than being kidnapped, if you could believe it. And i REFUSE to post a picture of one on my blog. Seriously. Trent and I had a lot of spiders in our house when we first moved in, and we prayed every night that they would go away. Mostly for my peace of mind and sanity :) and since then, we haven't had any! Aw, God must really love me!
7. What would you do with a million dollars?
6. What are you afraid of?
SPIDERS!!! AHh! Probably more than being kidnapped, if you could believe it. And i REFUSE to post a picture of one on my blog. Seriously. Trent and I had a lot of spiders in our house when we first moved in, and we prayed every night that they would go away. Mostly for my peace of mind and sanity :) and since then, we haven't had any! Aw, God must really love me!
7. What would you do with a million dollars?
TRAVEL. Do humanitarian work. Give. And then go shopping :)
8. Best tip/advice you've ever received?
Hmmm... I think it would be don't do anything once that you don't want to do forever (like mow the lawn!) haha
9. Who/what inspires you?

Gosh these are good questions. Trent. My grandparents. My cute aunts Summer and Tami, just to name a few. Gosh now I feel like I'm leaving people out! My family basically entails most of them :)
10. Something you can't live without?
10. Something you can't live without?
LOTION!!! I would die without it. Seriously, I could not handle it. My life would fall apart in shambles.
11. Favorite Gummy bear flavor?
There are different flavors??? All i know is i always get gummy bears in my cake batter ice cream at Cold Stone! mmm...
11. Favorite Gummy bear flavor?
There are different flavors??? All i know is i always get gummy bears in my cake batter ice cream at Cold Stone! mmm...
Aw I'm sad that's over! That was fun! Anybody else wanna ask me any more questions that I could answer with a fun pictures that makes me happy and brings back fun memories?
My 11 Questions for My Winners!
1. If you could have everything on one of your Pinterest boards, which board would you pick?
2. What is your favorite must-have item in your purse?
3. What is your favorite brand of makeup?
4. What is one of you guilty pleasures?
5. Who is your idol?
6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
7. What would you do if you had a million dollars?
8. What is your favorite movie?
9. What is a random fact about you?
10. What is your favorite holiday?
11. If you could meet one person, who would it be?
MY Winners!
So here are some of my favorite blogs and they're amazing! Craftiness, food, DIY, photography, the list goes on! Go ahead and check them out and show them some love!
The Flammily Kitchen - lots of great recipes & yummy ideas!
Astoria Designs- the CUTEST bows & hair accessories you'll ever see! All handmade & individually designed & crafted!
Alexi Bullock Design - awesome design tips, food ideas, color inspiration, etc.
Rise and Shine - tons of great recipes & cooking tips!
Brown Eyed Girl Photography - such cute photography!
Oh and... Last the Best of all the game... my hubby's blog HERE. He is awesome at teaching people to sell things on ebay. He has super helpful tips for anyone - mostly beginners! You should check it out!
Thanks for the Liebster Award Jessica! :)
Thanks for the nomination, Natalie! I am working on it...Will link back once I have it done :)
ReplyDeleteHa ha, I'm so obsessed with watching Ellen clips on youtube! It's just so addicting! Thanks for all your answers, I loved them! :)