July 31, 2011

Boys Will Be Boys

We have been so busy this summer, I am just now catching up on some things we have done! This one isn't way exciting, but just thought I'd post it anyways. Will Brummond & us went on a hike up Rock Canyon to get away for a while, and it ended up being a fun little night! They were so funny to watch - throwing rock after rock after rock hitting a tree across the river... walking across a tiny log over a raging cold river... and climbing up a large cliff, haha. 

This is Trent telling Will to "get down from that ledge my friend..." haha jk :)

 I was fortunate enough to catch an almost mishap on camera... haha jk again.

 Don't know what this is about... haha

 He is my own Edward, haha. Jk again. 

 Will & I decided we would sacrifice Trent. Haha jk, again. 

 And this was the rock throwing contest, which I was not a part of :) 

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